2019 Events

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February 2019

Amici della Musica di Firenze: Piano Recital

16 February, 2019, 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Teatro della Pergola, Via della Pergola, 12/32
Firenze, 50121 Italy
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Odissea Bach Turno A, B, Bpiù, P, OBach BACH-SILOTI: Preludio in si minore. BACH: Ouverture in stile francese BWV 831. BACH-PETRI: Schafe können sicher weiden BWV 208. BACH-RACHMANINOV: Suite dalla Partita per violino in mi maggiore BWV 1006. BACH-BUSONI: Wachet…

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March 2019

Jersey Arts Centre: Piano Recital

7 March, 2019, 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Jersey Arts Centre, Phillips Street
Saint Helier, Jersey, JE2 4SW,
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Sponsored by Amici Artium Hailed by the British music critics as the “natural successor to his great compatriot Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli”, Alessandro Taverna’s music making “stimulates the senses and gives rise to a feeling of wonderment”. When he reached the…

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Holmes Chapel Music Society: Piano Recital

9 March, 2019, 8:00 pm
Holmes Chapel Arts Centre, Selkirk Drive
Holmes Chapel, CW4 7DZ United Kingdom
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Alessandro Taverna returns to Holmes Chapel for his third concert. He is a native of Venice and began his piano studies at the Fondazione Musicale Santa Cecilia, Portogruaro, with Laura Candiago Ferrari, graduating with honours. He has won numerous awards…

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RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra of Ireland: Field Piano Concerto No. 6

15 March, 2019, 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
National Concert Hall Dublin, Earlsfort Terrace, Saint Kevin's
Dublin, D02 N527 Ireland
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Timothy Henty: conductor Alessandro Taverna: piano Our celebration of the best of Irish music from the last century continues in grand style with the father of the nocturne, a miniature marvel of Irish life and a masterpiece inspired by County…

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Rose Theatre at Lincoln Centre: Grieg Piano Concerto (Alessandro Taverna/Fabio Luisi)

26 March, 2019, 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Rose Theatre at Lincoln Centre, 10 Lincoln Center Plaza
New York, NY 10023 United States
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The Orchestra Now Conducted by Fabio Luisi music director of the Zurich Opera and former principal conductor of the Metropolitan Opera Grieg Piano Concerto Brahms Symphony No. 2 with pianist Alessandro Taverna

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April 2019

Fazioli Concert Hall, Piano Recital

5 April, 2019, 8:45 pm - 10:30 pm
Fazioli Concert Hall, Via Ronche, 47
Sacile, 33077 Italy
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Acclamato dalla critica inglese per un’inventiva musicale capace di “far sorgere un sentimento di meraviglia quanto una visita alla sua nativa Venezia”, Alessandro Taverna si è affermato a livello internazionale in particolare dopo essere salito sul podio del Concorso di…

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May 2019

Museo di Santa Giulia: Festival Pianistico di Brescia Preview Recital

2 May, 2019, 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Museo di Santa Giulia, Via dei Musei, 81/b
Brescia, 25121 Italy
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Al Museo di Santa Giulia, in Sala Rossa, il giovane pianista veneziano Alessandro Taverna, insignito del Premio Presidente delle Repubblica 2012, si esibisce all’interno della Sala rossa del Museo di Santa Giulia per una preview delle mostre del Brescia Photo…

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Festival Pianistico Internazionale di Brescia e Bergamo: Piano Recital

3 May, 2019, 9:00 pm - 11:00 pm
Teatro Grande, Brescia, C.so Zanardelli, 9/a
Brescia, 25121 Italy
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Musica Velata: Schumann e Brahms. Teatro Grande, ore 21 Alessandro Taverna pianista  Wieck: Scherzo n.1 in re minore, op.10 Wieck: Scherzo n.2 in do minore, op.14 Schumann: Humoreske, op.20 Brahms: Selezione dalle Danze Ungheresi Brahms: Variazioni su un tema di…

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Teatro de la Sena, Feltre: Recital pianistico

11 May, 2019, 8:45 pm - 10:45 pm
Teatro de la Sena, Via Lorenzo Luzzo
Feltre, 32032 Italy
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Danish National Symphony Orchestra: Liszt Piano Concerto No. 2 (Alessandro Taverna/Fabio Luisi)

23 May, 2019, 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Koncerthuset, Copenhagen, Ørestads Blvd. 13
Copenhagen, 2300 Denmark
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Symphonie fantastique af Berlioz er en vild rejse ind i underbevidstheden. Længsler og sære syner bliver udmalet i en symfoni, der virkelig er fantastisk! Chefdirigent Fabio Luisi styrer DR SymfoniOrkestret gennem denne musikalske tour de force, som også byder på…

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